AuditoryPAT, LLC
Help for Hearing Beyond the Simple Detection of Sound
What Does APD Therapy Look Like?
There are many options for auditory processing therapy. The most important first step is a thorough auditory processing evaluation that incorporates a battery of tests to evaluate all the different areas of the auditory system. This evaluation should be performed by an Audiologist. Reults of the test battery will diagnose strengths and weaknesses in the auditory system, which will guide the appropriate approach to therapeutic intervention.
Auditory training is very different from training other sensory systems. The training has to take place in the auditory system without allowing the cognitive realm to assist. Therefore, specific training materials and a tailored therapy approach are so important for success.
Over the years, I have incorporated these “Golden Rules” for auditory processing training:
1) “You hear what you hear”. You cannot correct the listener when he or she does not hear the correct message. Instead, the message must be presented in a way so that a clear difference is heard.
2) “The child / adult owns the ears and therefore owns the therapy”. The training has to be a joint effort with equal input from the therapist and listener.
3) “Focus on the strong areas as much as the weaker ones”. This helps to improve compensatory techniques, but more importantly, it fosters self esteem.
4) “Be able to change directions or gears on a dime" and "think on your feet". A quality therapist needs to be adaptable. As the auditory system is trained, it changes. As we proceed in therapy, we may discover new issues, or uncover a better method or direction for intervention.
5) "Daily does it!" Daily practice, even for just 10 minutes, is imperative. This daily training is completed at home. In order to have real changes to occur in the reorganization of the auditory system, there MUST be consistent input!